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Money & Debt Advice

Feeling overwhelmed by money management or debt? Narthex is here to help! We offer free financial guidance and support to individuals and families in Birmingham. Our friendly advisors can help you with:
  • Understanding and claiming benefits: We’ll help you see if you qualify for benefits and guide you through the application process. If you need to appeal a decision, we’ll be by your side.
  • Managing debt: Feeling stuck in debt? We’ll create a personalized plan to manage your finances, negotiate with creditors, and prioritize payments.
  • Budgeting and everyday finances: Our advisors are your financial coaches, offering tips and strategies to create a realistic budget and improve your overall financial health.
Narthex empowers you to take control. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to make informed financial decisions and build a brighter future. Here’s what sets us apart:
  • Free and confidential service: Our support won’t cost you a thing
  • Specialist advisors: Our team has the expertise to address a wide range of financial challenges.
  • Empowerment focus: We don’t just solve problems, we help you become financially confident.
Think of us as your financial coach. We’ll work alongside you to empower you to make informed financial decisions and improve your overall well-being. Don’t struggle alone.